Manual of Activities

Collection of workshops on nature connection towards holistic wellbeing.

Are you looking for inspiration? We are delighted to share with you more than 30 workshops on nature connection that can be used in different settings with young people, adapting to their ages, natural surroundings, and the aims of your work. We have structured the Manual based on the Human Ecology concept, meaning that you will find the activities you are looking for according to the area of focus: Self, Social, Earth and Spiritual Ecologies. Activities range from energizers and team building activities to long content based sessions, all using non-formal methodology and having fun and learning as main ingredients. We have tested all the activities in different environments in our local communities and also during the Training course with youth workers as part of the project. 

We wish you an amazing journey of learning, curiosity and discoveries!

What participants say..

“It confirms to me what I always felt: That I am nature, nature is my home and my body, and I want to take care of it so it can be also others’ home.”


“Appreciation of all the elements, the Life and the surrounding part of ecosystem that its there for us as a gift.”

Illustrations from the Training courses in Slovenia and Iceland (2022) by Manon and Naiara, project participants.